Sunday, February 24, 2008

I still miss you

Dear M,

My life is going exceptionally well. It seems i have it all together, an abundance of friends, the phone continuously ringing, supportive parents, have found a new place to live, settling in well to my new job and i've even bought an investment property. 

So why is it that i have spent my whole day thinking of you and missing you?

I can still feel your arms around me as you held me in your arms, i can still feel your gaze upon me.

The hardest thing is not knowing why. What we had was so special that i can't believe you would drop it by the way side for no good reason. I believe in you and have too much faith in you to think that you were simply being a prick of a guy. In fact if i thought that of you it would make things easier.

U and I are meant to be together and i'm angry at you for dropping what we have. I'm sure each of us will find love and fullfillment, but you know we had one of those magical, once in a lifetime chances.  I don't feel that we are fnished with each other yet - for the moment we are -- but someday, some place, some lifetime, our past will bring us together for another chance. 

Perhaps i will come looking for you in Palolem, not to reconcile and not for another go at a fairytale romance, just to see what happens and perhaps a friendship. That is if my intuition is guiding me right into thinking you are not a bad person, just someone thats under stress and perhaps confused and have lost their way. 

In the meantime its time for me to move on regardless of how hard it is to forget you. Its lie life teachs you many lessons, that love doesn't last forever.

I know we met for but a few days but i have known you for lifetimes. I will know you for lifetimes to come as well. 

For now its another goodbye and as a new day comes forth i will once again try to move on and live my life with a smile.

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