My whole life, i meet men and mistake the lust and the sparkle for love. Those intense moments limited by certain barriers, time, space, location which makes it all the more exciting.
All those womanizers i dated that someone passed through my filters as romantic.
So this guy, he messages after midnight, its all about the drinking and convenience and will call when he's in town. My messages lay to rest for many a day.
I was dreaming of a lifetime together, clasping onto straws when there was no substance. Lust clouds judgement and that is all. Sex and love are two different things to men.
So i've made some mistakes. Slept with him too early and called him a few too many times.
Whats a girl to do when she still harbours a little hope in her heart for him but is aware of the hurt and heart ache which awaits.
So the next week she will wait on the sidelines. She will be busy and she will not see him. Practise a certain self restraint and see what happens.
If he is into me, he will make it happen. If he is not, then let it be.....