I only saw him two days ago. We had a fantastic time. We connected. We laughed, we shared. He walked me to where i needed to go and kissed and hugged me goodbye. He said he would give me a call.
Its the first of an eternity of moments. Its the first few moments of anticipation. My heart wants to hear from him. My heart wants to know that he is thinking of me. That he is missing me. That i make him smile. That i am special.
But in this world we live in we wait for the men to call for their get scared and run away if we are too into them. I am seeing him over the weekend. Till then i will wait on the sidelines.
My attention turned to another man i can call. Another man who will satisfy those yearnings inside. Another man who will keep me sane and keep me from calling the one i want.
So many times i thought this was all a game, that we were beyond this. But one too many times i have initiated and poured my heart out for a man to run even further. I know what i need to give him is space. Space to miss me, space to wonder what i am upto.
Its another man and I while we play these games to make it all work.
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