Last night was really tough. I;ve never stressed like that before. Then this morning i was happy again. I was back to my 3AM calls and life was all going well. I love being busy but this is making me wonder if i have lost myself again.
I recall a time in india or before that, when i used to be terrified of my own company. But then india changed that, i learnt patience and i learnt to enjoy my own company. I learnt courage and i did things that scared me and i made mistakes and i learnt and i had the best time of my life. Lately life has been so busy, i have had some really good friends in my life and i have not had so much moments to savour the things that make it all worthwhile. Perhaps i need to love myself again.
Sometimes i just feel spoilt. I'm sitting here in a five star hotel wanting life my way. I don't even know a word of vietnamese and i am ignoring the customs in this world. I barely leave my hotel room to get the most out of it.
I wandered down to the markets today with some collegues. You know you haven't been in Asia for a while when you get to the end of a corner and wonder how your going to cross the road. You pause for a moment with no green man in site, consider briefly that you could cab it to the other side, then hold your breath, step right out, walk in a sure straight line and hope that the traffic will merely go around you. And its always a sigh of relief when it does.
Wandering the streets, the roadside stalls, the infinite amount of scooters and traversing through chaos, it almost feels normal sometimes. I travel so much that the excitement is gone.
Yet these moments are lovely to appreciate how lovely life truly is. I live in paradise and take it for granted. We all do really.
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