Waking up at dawn and running that 10km with my man, just one step at a time, motivating each other to not stop along the way and keep on going. Coming back home and falling asleep in his arms, cuddling, kissing, touching and lazily waking up at three to wander through the sunshine and grab breakfast in that retro old school cafe to the backdrop of Audrey hepburn movies. A wander through the sunshine holding hands, conversations that drill deep into each others lives, the gentle touch and the warmth of his caress. Looking longingly into his eyes and hugging him goodbye.
Its baby steps and its a whirlwind romance. I can see myself falling for him and i'm scared because it can be incredibly beautiful or incredibly painful based on if we find or lose each other.
Life is complicated. We don't know where life will lead. Its beautiful when two people open up. I am learning life lessons on love.
Its baby steps and its a whirlwind romance. I can see myself falling for him and i'm scared because it can be incredibly beautiful or incredibly painful based on if we find or lose each other.
Life is complicated. We don't know where life will lead. Its beautiful when two people open up. I am learning life lessons on love.
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