Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A milestone Birthday

And today i enter my thirties and its actually a wonderful feeling.  I was cool calm and collected at work, the ultimate in making it big and then there are my lovely friends who all gathered around for a dinner in a cosy booth which was just about perfect! And then there was that sms from the man of the moment who may become something more sending me kisses. Perfection was topped off with that call from mum and dad wishing me only the very best in the world.

I eneter my thirties with my life sorted in so many ways. I've got it all together and the love and friendships are brimming with life and happiness.

I look forward to a decade where confidence and certainty are a given, i am a nicer person completely aware of who i am and where i am going. I am surrounded by friends and family that love me to bits, money is flowing and life is truly beautiful.

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