Thursday, February 14, 2013

On learning about yourself and being a better person

On reflection, this MBA is about growth. Personal growth and intellectual simulation. I can regret chasing dreams and it ruining something in my laugh.

But at the end of the day this is simply helping me to grow and become a better person. The stress that i'm experience right now and getting caught up in the world that has made me lose perspective. It was likely to happen in the future also. And i would have reacted and acted and done and said things i didn't mean. But in the future it has far greater implications and with the pace of life much slower, it had the potential to cause more slow gradual damage which would have been worse.

Knowing how you react to stress is important. Knowing your limitations is important. Them being tested and finding out earlier is important. Knowing that a relationship can weather a storm is important.

I know for the future to be a different person. I was destructive when together, i was jealous and tried to make you jealous of me.  Like attracts like and perhaps now that i have removed and dealt with that jealousy, perhaps its time for you and I to end. I have learnt my lesson and perhaps the future does not hold for us.

I look back and am truly sorry for the way i treated you. For going after another man, for flirting, for not valuing your opinion, for cutting you down and for getting mad, angry and irrational. I really did try to improve myself while i was with you and did all i could to be a good person. Life just threw in its pressure and at times i lost it.  I always wanted to communicate with you more and did feel a missing link. I think that missing link was not knowing what it was that you were bottling up all the time that made you burst like this.

It's sad that you can throw this away like this. That there is no decency of a conversation or an offer for reconciliation, closure or friendship. Your running away from life and i guess in a lot of ways it says a lot about you. I know your doing your best with what you know. I know your hurting.

If we are meant to be we will be. Otherwise we came together for a brief moment in time to learn some life lessons. I've learnt and grown and know i will be a better person for it. I have no regrets in life for all our mistakes are life lessons that make us a better person and life is about constantly improving ourselves.

Goodbye to you my star crossed lover. Thank you for the good times and the memories and making me feel so special. I'll miss you and only time will tell what becomes of us.

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