Friday, June 28, 2019

What i mistook for something special

I was just walking around you.  Being the first guy in two years to be with me i needed your approval. And you came and you went and i tried letting you go only to find you came yoyoing back.

But what we had was not trust. The last day you were here before you left you had five minutes for me and 2 hours for some call center to save ten dollars. You made $400 that day. That was the amount i was not worth.

Maybe it was delusion for me to hold on to you. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise as its only that you are gone that i can see the flaws of what we have. You don't know me.

And perhaps we both used each other. For sure the spiritual growth was mutual. But the physical was lust and not much care. Maybe for both you and I.

The saddest part is that you have left my heart. It's what i wanted but its sad when you actually leave and i no longer want to be with you.

And its another relationship down. Goodbye to an amazing man. I hope our friendship will continue beyond love.

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