Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Who are you?

I want to tell you so much. About this storm. The ambulances or emergency services I hear. Watching the water and wonder if its a leak or condensation. But generally feel a little bit scared about this storm and get some comfort.

That was never us. Crazy thinking. 

And my mental health. It's shit right now but I have it together so no one is really reaching out to help me. Nothing to do with you again as you are busy. I have tried to tell you.

You are a saviour amongst a bunch that don't care other than mum. But I can't tell her all in case she worries. 

I feel really alone right now. Your messages are what makes me going regardless of how short or little they are.

I crave a world to fall alseep in your arms. How magic would that be?

What I want but not sure if the reality of the world means it could happen. 

How did you become. such an important person in my life? How did I fall in love with you all of a sudden after a long time. 

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