Friday, September 30, 2005

Random Ramblings

I won't even begin on the number of blogs i've started and lost to the internet by forgetting my password.

But here we go again........hopefully this one will last.

I'm meant to be doing an assignment, but you know what, i have about one month left of uni untill i graduate, just a bit over it, its been a good ride tho, lots of hard work but i think i'm at a stage where i feel as if i have the skills to do anything, regardless of weather or not i've studied it.

Its a security of another sort really, the confidence in yourself that you can do a good job, I feel ok taking risks, don't really feel the need to stick to something safe and dependable anymore, i want to have fun, i won't to live on the edge a bit, ...........hopefully it all works out, and if it doesn't.pffft.......something will figure something out and it will all be ok

So its taken almost six years, somethings have changed, somethings haven't, i know lots of stuff about random bits and pieces, and then sometimes i learn something new which really illustrates the point that i know nothing at all, sometimes i am happy, sometimes i am sad but seem to pop out of it, i am fit, i go to the gym lots, i love pushing myself tho sometimes i get lazy and have to drag myself kicking and screaming to the gym, friends are ok, not as great as it all used to be, i seem to know lots of people sorta, whearas ages ago, seems like a lifetime ago now, i knew one person really really well, i miss that

As for boys there hasnt been anyone new, lots of little crushes that are amounting to nothing, got out of a long term relationship about 2 years ago, little bits and pieces since then but nothing to call a relationship, sometimes getting my hopes up a lot and then getting hurt, but you know what , that feelings when your crushing on worth the hurt! ...............and i guess i still hope the right guy will come along into my life

When i have more time i will get things on track, social life, boys, but for now i think its just flowing along. I have a crush on my lecturer, silly really, he's got everything i look for in a ideal guy, smarth, athletic, confident, has faith in me. ..................but i am hopeless when it comes to letting guys know i like them, and with the added complication of him being my lecturer , probably no chance.............

and i will just float along with life you know, because i can