Monday, August 31, 2009

From the ugly duckling to cinderella - transformations in 1.5 hr

Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of time. Well 1.5 hrs to be exact.

So i may roll out of bed some morning completely hungover, hair a mess (and not in that sexy "just rolled out of bed" kitten way). I'll be trudging around being one of those nobody's who wouldn't even get a first glance let alone a second.

But then its so easy.  All it takes is some florally hair products, a trusty hair dryer and straightner, some magnolia body wash to go with some magnolia body butter, a little bit of MAC, a little bit of eye shaddown, perhaps a tint of a lip stain and some gloss. Add a sexy pair of boots and a designer handbag and what do you have?

Even i amaze myself each and every time. Going from a nobody to someone with the world literally eating out of ones hands. 

Transformations are amazing. Beauty is a matter of time. 

The glint in your eyes, that is priceless...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

If only i could feel again

I feel as if the passion, the bright and sparkling eyes, the innocence of thinking the world is fair and opportunity abounds for those who dare to chase it, is slipping away. Is that only for the young and unaccomplished?

Having made it, and looking to the next step , the excitements gone. The wonder is no longer there, nor a goal or dream to pursue. Its like there is a mist surrounding life right now, and i can't seem to make my way out of. Just trodding along, doing good, not better, not worse.

Even love, i wish to be that starry eyed girl full of trust and warmth. I find it so hard to open up and love. 

Need to wake up.