Monday, May 05, 2008

Life in Motion

One moment your back in your childhood world, wondering where life will take you as a grown up. You imagine globetrotting the world with a beautiful samsonite suitcase, hopping on a plane as if it were a bus, decked out in designer gear, sipping wine at a trendy bar while balancing a handsome significant young other and a glamourous career, all while wearing stilleto heals.

And then one day you wake up and find that dream half true. Your negotiating multi million dollar accounts with men in suits, sitting around in boardrooms. Better yet the samsonite suitcase is always by your side, only to be accompanied by a trendy handbag and sunnies, not to mention the planes, drinks and parties.

But at times you feel so lonely. Friends come and go, and that significant other -- he seems to pop in to my life in various disguises for moments in time, only to disapear as suddenly as he appeared.

So life, what be of it. What to do. Some times it feels like i'm just living through the motions.