Monday, April 09, 2012

You are somebody else's problem

From today onwards, i am out. I have found another. I have found that passion back in my life. I don't think of a what could of been with you. I never really knew you. You were somebody else. And now you could belong to another. My mind and heart walk away where once it was just my words. I am excited about another man. One that i may share a lifetime of happiness with. Who knows? Its just brunch at this moment but he makes me smile when i think of him. I get excited by the thought of him. Anticipation of what will be. These are the best times of our lives. I really do hope the best for you. You and your lifestyle. I look to you and feel pity. I see the craving for true love in your eyes but something in you, stops a little short of going all the way. Everyone has their demons and their dreams and wants and hopes. I hope you find what makes you happy in life. Goodbye to you.

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