Saturday, March 02, 2013

Still have my moments

At times i am spectacularly happy to have got away from you. To have had the chance to experience business school with all that i have an immerse myself into it and love it as much as i hate it.

It's a bitter sweet experience of gaining confidence, knowing you can achieve anything and being scared that the only thing you need to worry about in life is simply being too successful. That th boy that you thought you were falling for, that your gut feel was spot on and that he really wasn't for you. Lessons learnt in love and friendship amougst gaining that business education that gives you an understanding of the world as you never have before. A certain thirst for knowledge that only you can love and appreciate.

I'm still in the library. It's 8PM on a saturday night. I am studying away. My place is a mess. If we had of been together i would be stressing about who you were out with, trying to look pretty for when you dropped by and have an immaculate house at the same time.

It is nice just to be me. Away from you.

I fell for the guy you pretended to be. I miss him but the fact that he was never real to begin with helps in getting over you. I liked you because you were a nice guy and you proved my judgement wrong.

Hello to a new man in my life, whoever he may be. I hope he is kind and generous and clever and good hearted.

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