Saturday, April 30, 2011

My moment to shine is here

I no longer feel lost about getting older, being single.

Its a matter of confidence, being comfortable with oneself.

Sure i am not married yet. But if i had of been my life would be vastly different. I may not have such a career, time to follow my dreams and climb my mountains, flying off on a whim. I may have kids or be thinking about it.

There are certain men that would have lead to kids.

The thing is i am happy with what i have achieved and if i had of played it any other way, i would have a different life in front of me. The thing is i want to meet a man that will love me, but i want to do it my way. Children are optional and my dream life involves a loving man while still being able to hop on and off of planes at a whim, changing the world one step at a time.

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