Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Moments of bliss with the real thing

Its been a whirlwind few days or even weeks.

There was that wild halloween party where we spent hours at a close friends getting ready, talking shit and making the world spin and following on, with only a party that would forever be remembered and etched in our minds.

Then there was that birthday dinner at a low key restaurant with my good friends and a few quiet drinks and nibbles while overlooking the world at my place, debating the fundamental nature of the 24th chromosone and its implications of the differences between men and women in the dating scene.

Its laughs all along the way with that warm fuzzy feeling.

Then there is that man that has caught my eye that talks of marriage and children and falling in love. We go for runs and dream up solutions to the world and all its peculiarities. He meets me intellectually and he meets me emotionally and i crave his touch.

Turning thirty has been the best thing. All is falling into place.

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