Sunday, January 16, 2011

I remember a walk

Back in India, during those four months i used to crave going for walks. But the air was never fresh, it was never relaxing and the spacious luxury that we grow accustomed to all over australia was never to be.

None the less, through traffic, poverty, life and death, cows and little kids playing on the streets i walked the two k's to the department store and back. I enjoyed the air conditioning in the store as a treat. I looked at shelves of items i did not want to own as a solace. I walked back to get back home. 

Every now and then life became unbearable in those days. But i soldered on. I had to. There was no choice. I was young, i had not proven myself, life was just an opportunity somebody handed to you that you either took advantage of or lost.

These days i am someone important. I have made it. I do not live on the sidelines and i call my own shots. I feel devastation occasionally but only for a day. I have a get out quick ticket to cash in within a day.

Even though i have made it now, i still think back to those days and all the moments that made me who i am today. 

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