Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Another amazing week

 So I spent a whole week with him and he invited me to stay for longer. We had some ups and downs. Actually I had ups and downs in my head. But in the end it made me communicate and ask some questions I otherwise wouldn't. 

So it's just me and him and he's not seeing anyone else.

We had a lot of fun this weekend. In many ways it was a turning point. Getting closer, talking about reality and things under the surface and the sex was better than ever. But more than that it was the friendship, the laughs, the talking till 2am without realising, the cuddles and just being kind to each other. No games. No expectations. Just being nice and finding it returned. The smiles. 

Yes sometimes I get bothered by things in my head. But I feel with age comes a lack of expectation that leads to a life much more fulfilling. 

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