Thursday, June 03, 2021

I spent all morning in your arms

It's not healthy I know. Living in my fantasy world. This was what I did when I was a kid. It's what I have always done.  

There were a few years of being in relationships where it all worked out. But these days you are on my mind 24/7. I dream of what it will be like when we meet. Almost obsessively. 

We fell asleep in each others arms last night. And I woke up in yours in the morning. To your warm embrace. And it was nice. 

I can't wait to chat next. But I also can't wait to see you. Hopefully both vaccinated and we start having options to meet. To consider a life together. A life I crave with you. Because this life I have, while it seems wonderful on paper, is not one I want right now. 

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