Wednesday, October 06, 2010

One foot in front of the other

To say i have an exciting life would be an understatement.  That exhilerating feeling that somehow i am making the world spin come in waves more often than not.

When do you speak to me? Today, yesterday, tomorrow, last year, next week?

You will get a different story, a different set of adventures, a different man, a different plan to take over the world.  I'm surrounded by lovely friends, a loving family, an abundance of admirers, a rich and fullfilling love life (albeit with its rollercoaster style ups and downs but it makes it all the more exciting). Life is a plethora of smiles and the occasional tear which all works together.

One day we are traversing the world, one cloud at a time, one mountain at a time, one hug at a time, one smile at a time. One kind look, one gentle gaze, one kind deed after another.

Life is about the moments that take our breath away and there are definitely plenty of those right now.

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