Sunday, November 07, 2010

Its been seven days

Is this really over? You have not been in touch.

The psychics in the world said you would do this. They said you were the one. So in my mind i did not panic.

But really it seems like it's over. The past few weeks you have disappeared with only the occasional call. We don't talk, we don't communicate.

I don't know how to bring up anything. I am hurting further more. You make me cry sometimes.

You and i, we have not been fireworks in any way like all the times before. You are just a guy and i am just a girl and we live in the same city and out lives just seem to fit in so many ways. I just don't see the external barriers right now, its just within us.

Perhaps we are not meant to be together. My instincts say otherwise but i have to accept also that this may be it. Game over. Your just over it, that you were never into me. I don't know why you came on so strong only to disappear.

I don't know how you feel. You make me cry.

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