Saturday, February 04, 2012

i kind of did stuff up

So the night was young and it was work drinks. Politics alive and thriving and i was pressing all the right buttons, visibly engaging with who i needed to play these corporate games. And heading off for a quiet drink with the directors and letting the rumours run wild with those that were not engaging with me, just sealed the deal.

But i forgot that my boyfriend was there. Yes, you know the guy thats i love because he is straight forward and plays no politics. And i accidently ignored him and left without saying goodbye to go drinking with other men and had rumours run wild that i was out till two until it was souvlaki time.

And i said i was sorry. If the tables were turned i would be furious.

I'm mad at a consistancy in his behaiviour. But i am wrong too.

Stoopid really. He is the only man for me.

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